Treasury Linked Note
Invest in Treasury Bills and earn upfront returns on your investment, with the principal at the end of the investment.

The Treasury Linked Investment Note ‘The Treasury Linked Note’ is a product which affords investors the opportunity to invest in a portfolio mainly made up of Treasury Bills and Bonds. Investors can earn returns on their investments upfront (Discounted); or at the maturity of the investment (Yield).
- Default risk free (Sovereign) instruments.
- Competitive interest rates.
- Investment certificate can be used as a supporting document for access to loans, visas and other applications.
- Tenures of 91 days to 5 years.
- Treasury Linked Investment Note is available in all tenors.
- Allows for roll-over when investment matures.
- Early termination or part termination is allowed with a charge to interest only.
- Investment return is referenced at 100 basis points above indicated instrument rate.
- Minimum investment amount is N1,000,000.00.
- Returns are not subject to WHT.
- Interest rate is negotiable based on amount and tenure of the investment.